Rebooting A Cobos Device server

Rebooting A Cobos Device server

What methods can I use to reboot a Lantronix CoBos device server such as an XPort-04, UDS, WiBox or WiPort?

For this example we assume that the Cobos device is an xPico.
(Please appreciate that the xPICO-WiFi is not a Cobos device!)

There are various ways to reboot a Cobos device.

  1. Using the reset pin (Only for embedded devices like Xport)
  2. Power cycling the device server.
  3. Using the webmanager:
    Open the web manager and click on the "Apply Settings" button in the purple menu on the left.
  4. Using Telnet:
    a. Open command line window
    b. Type 'telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 9999'
    c. Type '9' (Save and exit)
  5. Using Cobos Setup records.
    This requires the use of UDP and access to port 0x77FE (30718).

    a. Open a connection to the Cobus device with a UDP-terminal.
    b. Send the following hexadecimal string to port 0x77FE: 00 00 00 03 ID, were ID is the Cobus software type for the specific CoBox application.

For example to reboot our xPICO with ID = X6 the sequence to send would be: 00 00 00 03 58 36. 0x58 is the ASCII value for X and 0x36 is the value for 6.

The ID also called destination file of various Cobos device servers depends on the device server type and Firmware version. You can find the ID in the firmware release notes, available from the Latest Firmware page for the device server.

You can find documentation and the latest firmware for Lantronix device servers here:

[Originally Published On: 11/03/2011 04:25 PM]

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