Serial tunnel between two Evolution device servers

Serial tunnel between two Evolution device servers

How do I configure two Evolution serial device servers to connect a serial port on one to a serial port on the other to act as a serial tunnel?

It's simple to set up a serial tunnel connection between two Evolution device servers, e.g. XPort-AR, MatchPort b/g Pro, MatchPort-AR, PremierWave and EDS.

Example configuration with EDSs:

+------+        +-----+               +-----+       +------+

|Serial|        | EDS |   Ethernet    | EDS |       |Serial|

|Device|--------| #1  |===============| #2  |-------|Device|

+------+        +-----+               +-----+       +------+    


In this example we will configure two EDS32PRs so that port 2 on EDS #1 will accept a connection from port 2 on EDS #2.  Once the connection is established serial data will flow in both directions between the serial devices connected to port 2 on both EDSs.

EDS #1

Other than configuring the network settings and possibly the serial (Line) configuration, no configuration is required on this EDS.  I.e. the Tunnel Accept Mode should be set to the default value of Always as shown in below:


Click on the thumbnail above to display a full-size screen shot

EDS #2

The Tunnel settings on this EDS must be changed so that Accept Mode is Disabled and Connect Mode is configured to open an outgoing TCP connection to a port on

Accept Mode:


Click on the thumbnail above to display a full-size screen shot

Connect Mode:


Click on the thumbnail above to display a full-size screen shot

When you finish saving the above Connect Mode settings port 2 on EDS #2 will immediately connect to port 2 on EDS #1 and remain connected as long as there is a network path between them and they are both powered up.

[Originally Published On: 08/14/2009 02:30 PM]

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