Spider USB cables - are both needed?

Spider USB cables - are both needed?

On the non-DUO Spider USB, do I need to plug both USB cables in?

If you are powering the Spider using the AUX power connection with a Mini-USB power supply rated for at least 1A, you do not need to plug in both USB connections.

However, only one of the two USB connectors has data lines, the other is for the additional 500mA of current when powering the Spider via the two USB connections.

On older non-DUO Spiders, both USB cables were black, so you will need to try both to see which one enumerates as a keyboard and mouse. Once you determine which one it is, it is recommended you label it as the "Data+Power" connection and the other as "Power only".

On later models, the data connection is the black one and the power only is white or light grey.

When the Spider is powered via the AUX power connection, it does not draw any current from the USB connectors to power the Spider.

[Originally Published On: 04/23/2018 05:22 PM]