SLC and SLB serial numbers

SLC and SLB serial numbers

Where can I find the serial number of my SLC or SLB?

If the SLC or SLB is running you can open the web manager and click the "About" button to display information about the unit, including its serial number.  The "About" button is the question mark between the Home and Site Map buttons:



The serial number is near the top of the About page:



Another option is to open a connection to the Command Line Interface (CLI) and type the command 'admin ver':



If the SLC or SLB is not powered up, or you cannot open the web manager or CLI for some reason, the serial number is shown on a sticker on the bottom of the unit.  As an example, here's a photo of the sticker on the bottom of a SLB088411-02:


[Originally Published On: 12/06/2011 03:57 PM]

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