Secure LDAP (LDAPS) on an SLC or SLC8000
Secure LDAP (LDAPS) on an SLC or SLC8000
We need to use SSL with LDAP (i.e. LDAPS) to authenticate connections to SLCs and SLC8000s. For security reasons we don't want unencrypted passwords crossing the network to our LDAP servers. How can we do this?
If you choose the "Encrypt Messages" option when configuring LDAP on an SLC it will use encryption for LDAP authentication and lookups.
StartTLS uses TLS over the normal LDAP port (389).
SSL uses an SSL tunnel over port 636.
SSL uses an SSL tunnel over port 636.
The SLC will automatically change the Port value to 636 if you choose the SSL method.
On an SLC or SLC8000, we recommend you use StartTLS if you want to encrypt LDAP traffic, particularly in an Active Directory environment.
For informaiton on configuring LDAP see the LDAP section of the of the User Authentication chapter in the Lantronix SLC 8000 – User Guide available from:
[Originally Published On: 06/26/2007 03:56 PM]