Latest firmware for the XPort-Modbus

Latest firmware for the XPort-Modbus

What is the latest firmware version for the XPort-IAP (Modbus)?

The latest firmware for the XPort-Modbus-05 or later is

If you don't know which model of XPort you have, search for it in DeviceInstaller.  DeviceInstaller will list all XPorts and similar products on a network by model.

NOTE: This firmware can only be installed in the Modbus version of the XPort-05 and later. For more information see the the XPort Product Page,  http://www.lantronix.com/device-networking/embedded-device-servers/xport.html

See below for Modbus firmware for the XPort-Modbus-04 and earlier.

XPort-Modbus-05 and later:

XPort-Modbus-05Download via HTTP  Comment  
 Release NotesHTTPS Right-click and choose "Save Target As..." 
 Firmware Checksum HTTPS

There is no special upgrade process for the Xport-Modbus-05 and later. We recommend using Part 1 of this procedure:

Using DeviceInstaller to upgrade Firmware

There is no web manager for the Modbus firmware, so skip Part 2 of the procedure in answer 1200.

XP1001000M-04R and earlier:

The latest firmware for the XPort-Modbus-04 and earlier is


The xPort IAP Upgrade process for XPort-Modbus-04 and earlier is as follows:

Example command for firmware upgrade from a DOS command prompt type:
C:\ tftp -i <ip address> put xpt03upg6104.rom XA

Wait 20 seconds

Note: If device is not coming up with upgrade rom image in the local network area, please reset the device
      and wait for 20 seconds.

C:\ tftp -i <ip address> put amxp3301.rom XM

Note: use the exact file name for the .rom firmware if not the same as instruction above, i.e. amxp3301.rom; but the rom
      must be on the 3.x baseline or greater

The xPort IAP should be operational with new firmware.

Upgrading from 2.x.0.0 and later
To reflect the change between 2.x firmware and 3.X+ firmware, the TFTP destination files have been changed for xPort IAP from XA to XM.

For more detailed information, please read the file XPort IAP Upgrade Notice.pdf, available for download below.

Failure to follow this procedure will result in a non-operational XPort. Proceed with extreme caution.

Please click on one of the links below to download it via FTP or HTTP:

XPort-Modbus-04Download via FTP  Download via HTTP  Comment  
 Upgrade READMEFTPHTTP  Right-click and choose "Save Target As..." 
 Upgrade NoticeFTPHTTP
 Boot LoaderFTPHTTP
 Release NotesFTPHTTP Right-click and choose "Save Target As..." 

[Originally Published On: 02/09/2010 03:56 PM]