ETS to EDS command comparison

ETS to EDS command comparison

I have an ETS terminal server that I am replacing with an EDS. What commands can I use at the EDS's CLI to configure it so it will work similarly to the ETS?

While there are only two command levels on the ETSs, non-privileged and privileged, the EDS's CLI is organized into multiple levels. When you first log into the EDS's CLI you will be at the equivalent of the non-privileged level on an ETS.

To run commands you need to navigate to the correct level. The first level up is the Enable level, from which the other levels are available. The Enable level can be password protected.

In the table below, each line in the "EDS Command" column represents the name of a level, with the last line being the command to be run at the final level in the list. 'Exit' drops back to the previous level so a new level can be accessed.

For more information on EDS commands, see the command reference for your model of EDS, available from:

ETS Command EDS Command Notes
define server name CHS_TS46 enable
if 1
hostname CHSTS46
Hostname must be alphanumber. The _ character is not supported for the hostname on an EDS
define server ipaddress X.X.X.X enable
if 1
ip address X.X.X.X/28
The /28 is the number of network bits in the subnet mask
define server subnet See the IP address command above Use Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation (x.x.x.x/nn) as shown above
def ineserver gateway X.X.X.X enable
if 1
default gateway X.X.X.X
define server nameserver X.X.X.X enable
if 1
primary dns X.X.X.X
define server secondary nameserver X.X.X.X enable
if 1
secondary dns X.X.X.X
define server incom telnet incoming nopassword Not applicable EDS ships with out a password configured.
define protocol netware routing disabled Not applicable Netware protocols are not supported
define protocol netware encapsulation native enabled Not applicable Netware protocols are not supported
define protocol lat disabled Not applicable LAT protocols are not supported
define protocol lan disabled Not applicable LAN Manager protocols are not supported
define protocol apple disabled Not applicable Appletalk protocols are not supported
define protocol ip timeserver disabled Not applicable Unsupported
define server silentboot enabled Not applicable Boot is silent by default

define service CHS_TS46_s1 port 1 banner disabled lat disabled formfeed disabled appletalk disabled enable
line 1
protocol lpd

lpd 1
queue name CHS_TS46_s1
banner dis
formfeed dis
define service CHS_TS46_sn port n banner disabled lat disabled formfeed disabled appletalk disabled See above, change line number and name as needed for each port

define port 1 access remote flow control xon enable
tunnel 1
connect mode disable

line 1
flowcontrol software
define port n access remote flow control xon See above, change tunnel and line level as needed

define server domain ghc.org enable
if 1
domain ghc.org
define server loadhost X.X.X.X Not applicable. See the firmware update procedure in the EDS User Guide.
define server software "rel363/ETSP.SYS" Not applicable. See the firmware update procedure in the EDS User Guide.
define protocol netware sap 52c disabled Not applicable. Unsupported
initialize delay 0 reload Use a "write" command to save settings before reloading (rebooting) from the Enable level

User Guides for all current Lantronix products are available here:

The commands in the table above are not an extensive list, only commonly used commands and commands that we have been asked about. If you need help with a command not listed please contact Lantronix Technical Support.

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[Originally Published On: 09/11/2009 03:46 PM]

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