Chosing Between Telnet Password and Enhanced Password For My CoBos Product

My CoBos product has a telnet password and an enhanced password. Which one is recommended and most secure?

We recommend using the enhanced password. It is the most secure method of password protecting you CoBos product. The enhanced password can be configured with up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Telnet password only has four alphanumeric characters.

The best way to configure the enhanced password is to use telnet to the IP address with the configuration menu port 9999 of your CoBos product. Note: If your CoBos device is running firmware version with the latest web manager version of or higher the ability to configure the enhanced password was added to the web interface. Since many devices in the field may not be running firmware (or higher) with the (or higher) web manager this FAQ will address configuring the enhanced password using telnet to the menu interface.

To configure the enhanced password using telnet using PuTTY as a telnet client:
1. Open a PuTTY program session
2. Select Telnet
3. Enter the IP address of you CoBos product in the host name field and enter 9999 in the port field
4. Hit enter and as soon as you are prompted and see "Press Enter for Setup Mode" hit enter again, quickly as you only have about 3 seconds to hit enter before it times out. If you do not get the menu choices stating, "Change Setup:" You will need to repeat the telnet connection with PuTTY.
Once you are at a blinking cursor "Your Choice ?" that looks like this:
0 Server
1 Channel 1
5 Expert
6 Security
7 Defaults
8 Exit without saving
9 Save and exit Your Choice ?
5. Enter the number 6 (security) at Your Choice
6. Hit enter 9 more times to reach the choice "Enable Enhanced Password ?" and type "Y" for yes
7. You will then see "Change the Password ?" and type "Y" for yes
8. You will then see "Enter Password :
9. Type in your password with up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Letters are case sensitive. Then hit enter.
10. You are now back at:
0 Server
1 Channel 1
5 Expert
6 Security
7 Defaults
8 Exit without saving
9 Save and exit Your Choice ?
11. Enter the number 9 to "Save And Exit"
12. You will then see "Parameters Stored" to indicate the password you configured will be implemented and the CoBos device will reboot.

You now will need to use the password to access the web manager (no user name required) when prompted enter the password. This will let you in to the web interface to configure changes.

When using telnet to connect with the IP address and port 9999 you will be prompted to enter the password to allow you access to the menu interface to configure changes.

[Originally Published On: 12/07/2017 09:30 AM]