AS-400 - LAN TCP-IP ASCII Printer Support.

AS-400 - LAN TCP-IP ASCII Printer Support.

How do I configure my IBM AS/400 to use IBM's LAN TCP/IP ASCII Printer support for printers connected to my Lantronix print server?

LAN TCP/IP ASCII printer support has been added in V3R7M0 to printers on the LAN that accept the PJL (Print Job Language) protocol. This is an alternative approach using remote output queues (RMTOUTQs) and fully supports the page range function.

To take advantage of this new function, the printer connected via this print driver must have a dedicated port that accepts HP PJL commands.

To configure such devices, use the CRTDEVPRT command. The following parameters should be specified:

Device Class (DEVCLS)
This needs to be set to *LAN.

Device Type (TYPE)
This needs to be set to 3812.

Device Model (MODEL)
This needs to be set to 1.

LAN Attachment (LANATTACH)
This needs to be set to *IP.
(The IP you have assigned the EPS/LPS/MPS/ETS/SCS/LRS)

Port number (PORT)
This specifies the port number that the LAN-attached printer or LAN print server is expecting for PJL (or Reverse TELNET) data. The port number is hardware specific, but is typically set to one of the following:
Lantronix port is to be 300n. On an LPS, MPS1 or MPS100 the port number is 3001. On multiport devices, the 300”n” represents the number of the port to which your printer is connected.

For further details please visit IBM site here ( http://www.ibm.com ) and search for 'as400 lantronix'.

[Originally Published On: 06/29/2001 01:51 PM]

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