Creating and using a WLAN profile on a Premierewave EN from the command line

How do I create a WLAN profile, then use it on a Premierwave EN?

First, create and edit a profile. For this example we will configure a basic profile named "gary":

(config)#wlan profiles
(config-profiles)#create gary
Created WLAN profile named "gary".
(config-profiles)#edit gary
(config-profile-basic:gary)#topology infrastructure
(config-profile-basic:gary)#network name TS_IRV
WARNING: Changes have neither been applied nor written to Flash.

Now move to the enable:config:if2:link level and associate the new profile with a choice:

(config)#if 2
(config-wlan:wlan0)#choice 3
(config-wlan:wlan0)#choice 3
(config-wlan-choice:wlan0:3)#profile gary
WLAN wlan0 Configuration:
Choice 1 Profile: LTXTS2
Choice 2 Profile: default_adhoc_profile
Choice 3 Profile: gary
Choice 4 Profile:
Debugging Level : Info

Reboot the Premierewave EN and it will first attempt to connect to the first choice. If the connection fails it will attempt to connect to the second choice, etc.

[Originally Published On: 03/16/2011 02:43 PM]