Evolution CLI responses

Evolution CLI responses

I have a new MatchPort b/g Pro and it's connected to a PC using the Lantronix development board. In the command line interface mode (after I enter !xyz), I get the command prompt as '>>' instead of the single '>'. Even at the end of the command it responds as '##' instead of the single '#'. This does not happen on some older MatchPort b/g Pros that I have. Why is this?

The MatchPort b/g Pro that shows single > and (enable)# prompts when you open a command line using !xyz is probably running very early firmware. In current firmware a feature has been added to display a double >> and (enable)## when a backdoor connection was opened, or if a connection was opened before the MP b/g Pro had completely initialized.

I.e. if you use !xyz to open a command prompt, the MP b/g Pro will not boot all the way up until you exit out of the CLI session. The doubled prompt is a reminder that you are communicating with a device server that has not fully booted.

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[Originally Published On: 09/16/2010 04:23 PM]

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