Latest Firmware and MIB files for SLB882-8824

Latest Firmware and MIB files for SLB882-8824

What is the latest firmware version for SLB882 and SLB8824?

The current released version of firmware is

For detailed information on upgrading an SLB882/8824 from the command line, .

For detailed information on upgrading an SLB882/8824 from the web manager, .

If your SLB882/8824 is running any 6.0 revision, you must first download and install the patch file for using the following links.

DO NOT reboot to boot up in Leave the bank as the non-current.  All you need to do is load into the non-current bank that has installed. 

Note: On occasion an SLB will display 48 serial ports in the web configuration manager after being upgraded to or higher. A fix is in the works. As a work-around open the Command Line Interface and type the command 'mfc model' to reset the SLB's port count.

If your SLB882/8824 is running 6.1.x firmware in either or both banks you can directly load  using the following links. If one bank has a 6.0 version installed, boot from that bank so that you are upgrading the bank. Attempting to load  into a bank with a 6.0 version of firmware will fail.

NOTE - The firmware update filename is slcupdate-db- (after you unzip it).  It is correct for the SLB882, despite the name.

Firmware for SLB882/8824 (running v6.1.0.0, minimum) - ZIP archiveUnzip file before updating SLB
Firmware Release notes (includes Update Key)Right Click and "Save as..."
MD5 checksum file (Update Key)Right Click and "Save as..."

NOTE: Some web browsers change the extension of the firmware file from .tgz to .tar or .gz or some other extension. If your browser changes the extension of the file, before attempting to load the file onto your SLBx please change it's extension back to .tgz, e.g. slcupdate-db-x.y.tgz, where x.y is the firmware version.  for more information.

Latest Release

Firmware for SLB882/8824 (running v7.0.0.0RC7, minimum) - ZIP archiveUnzip file before updating SLB
Firmware Release notes (includes Update Key)Right Click and "Save as..."
MD5 checksum file (Update Key)Right Click and "Save as..."

If you are using SNMP to manage your Lantronix SLB, you need the latest SNMP MIB files.  Right click on the link below and select "Save As" to download the MIB files:

[Originally Published On: 05/07/2013 04:18 PM]

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