Latest Evolution Firmware for the EDS8PS and EDS16PS

Latest Evolution Firmware for the EDS8PS and EDS16PS

What is the latest version of Evolution firmware for the EDS8PS and EDS16PS?

The current released version of Evolution firmware for the EDS8PS and EDS16PS is

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The EDS8PS or EDS16PS is not the same product as the EDS 3000 series, (EDS 3008PS and EDS3016PS,)

DO NOT load this firmware on those new products or vice versus as it will result in the unit becoming non-functional.

Due to changes in the memory allocation and operating system of the EDSxPS, you MUST load the latest EDS Boot Loader (available below) before loading firmware version or higher.

Failure to load the boot loader first will cause the EDS to stop functioning. If this happens, the only resolution is to replace the EDSxPS. If the EDSxPS is out of warranty you will need to purchase a new unit.


  1. Open the Evolution Web manager either via device installer's web configuration, or by opening a browser and typing in the IP address of the EDS.
  2. Log into the unit via the user name and password prompt. The default user name is admin and the default password is PASS.
  3. From the orange menu options on the left, select System
  4. In the Upload New Firmware section:
    1. select browse and find the file edspsboot.romz (downloaded from the link below)
    2. click upload.
  5. The EDS will automatically load the file and reboot
  6. Re-open the web manager and repeat steps 3 and 4 with the edsps_6_0_0_0_R5.romz file
  7. The EDS will again reboot and be running the new firmware version when it completes the boot process.

Please click on one of the links below to download it via FTP or HTTP:

ProductDownload via HTTPComment
Release NotesHTTPSRight-click and choose "Save Target As..."
MD5 ChecksumHTTPS

[Originally Published On: 07/10/2009 02:54 PM]

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