Displaying network settings from DHCP on a CoBos device server

How do I verify which Gateway address has been assigned by DHCP on a CoBos device server?

NOTE: the IP address can be found by using Device Installer.

Connect your Lantronix device using Monitor Mode over the serial or Ethernet interface.

When opening Monitor Mode via telnet type an M instead of Enter at the 'Press Enter for Setup Mode" prompt. Then type the NS command to display the Network Status information which will show the Gateway address (GW).

To open Monitor Mode with network connections from the serial port send 'zzz' instead of 'xxx' into the serial port while the device server is booting.

Please see the User Guide for details. User Guides for all current and most discontinued Lantronix device servers are available here:

NOTE: Unlike Setup Mode, the device server continues to run during Monitor Mode, so you can safely open Monitor Mode at any time without causing any network connections to terminate.

Telnet example: Telnet to the IP address <Lantronix_device> port 9999

% telnet 9999

MAC address 00204ABE74E7
Software version V6.6.0.2 (080926) XPTEXE
AES library version

Press Enter for Setup Mode <--- type M (Capital, there is no echo)

*** NodeSet 2.0 ***
*** Interface 0 Status ***
Type: Ethernet
IP:, GW:, Mask:
Link (0x7B2D):up, 100 Mbps full duplex

Connection to host lost.

Serial example: Open Monitor Mode with Network connections on the serial port:

Connect a terminal or a host running a termibal emulator to the serial port of the device server. The terminal settings must be 9600, 8N1, No flow control, i.e. 9600bps, 8 bit characters, No parity, 1 stop bit and flow control disabled.

Confirm that caps lock is OFF, then hold down the z key on the terminal keyboard while applying power. After a few seconds you should see the Monitor Mode banner and and 0> prompt:

*** NodeSet 2.0 ***
*** Interface 0 Status ***
Type: Ethernet
IP:, GW:, Mask:
Link (0x7B2D):up, 100 Mbps full duplex

[Originally Published On: 04/04/2011 10:11 AM]