5V tolerant XPort
5V tolerant XPort
I have found on your website a datasheet showing that XPort accepts 5V logic. Are all versions 5V-tolerant?
No, only the XPort -03R Xport-04R and Xport-05 products, i.e. P/N XP1001000-03, -04 and -05, are 5V tolerant.
Note that Vcc into the XPort -03/-04/-05 and Reset are still only 3.3 volts.
5V tolerant indicates that a designer can apply TTL level signals (5 volt high) to
one of the signal input lines (RX, PIO's) and the unit will not be harmed.
Also please appreciate that running 3.3V inputs on 5V will mean that you cannot run these units at the maximum specified ambient operating temperature.
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[Originally Published On: 08/31/2004 05:44 AM]