Importing SSH keys on an SLC (Secure Lantronix Console server)
For an incoming SSH connection to the SLC, I want to import SSH keys so that my users can access the host without entering a password. How can I do that?
This article will explain how to import SSH keys to the SLC for an inbound SSH connection. You'll need an SSH client program like Putty, a RSA/DSA SSH key generator utility program like Puttygen and an FTP server or the ability to use SCP (secure copy).
Alternatively, if you have access to a Linux machine, you can create public/private keys and import those keys to the SLC. For more information on how to do that, please see Creating Open SSH RSA or DSA Keys.
Generating Public/Private Keys using Puttygen (A Windows based SSH key generator utility):
The first step is to use Puttygen to generate both public and private keys.
- Launch Puttygen
- Click on the 'generate' button. This will generate your public/private keys
- Save and name the public key to a folder on your PC.
- The next step is to save a private key. When you save a private key, you have the option of enabling a passphrase. A user can access the host with a single passphrase, or, if a passphrase is not used, a user can access the host without entering a passphrase. Save and name the private key and put it in the same folder.
Configuring the SLC to import SSH keys:
- The next step is to log into the SLC via the web manager as 'sysadmin.'
- On the left navigation bar, click on SSH keys. Under 'import keys (ssh in)' input the Host name or IP address of the PC that you or your user will be connecting from. For 'user' input your 'sysadmin' or your user's user name.
Under Host & Login for Import, configure the following parameters:
- Import via: Choose either FTP or SCP.
- Filename: Input file name of public key.
- Host: IP addres of FTP or SCP server.
- Path: Input the path of where the file is located.
- Login: Input login name of FTP/SCP user.
- Password: Input password.
- Retype Password: Retype password.
- Click the "Apply" button and check if the status shows complete.
- If it is successful, then it will list the imported key for the user: sysadmin, the host & encryption type. You'll be able to view & delete the file once it is imported.
Configuring Putty to login with an SSH key.
- Putty has a section listed in Connection / SSH / Auth, where you can specify the private key.
- Browse to the private key and then click on 'sessions.' Input the IP address of the SLC & port 22. When you click on "Open," you'll be prompted to login. Type your user's name. If successful, then it will check the private/public key pair and allow you to connect to the SLC without using a password. If you've enabled a passphrase, you'll be prompted to input the passphrase.
- If you do not want to have to enter a username, you can enter the username as the "Auto-login username" in the PuTTY settings. These are found under the Connection>Data section of the PuTTY Configuration page. Save the session and every time you launch it, it will use that username to send to the SLC.
[Originally Published On: 09/25/2006 09:20 AM]