Loading Evolution Firmware via FTP from a Windows command prompt

How can I use FTP in Windows to send v3.x and earlier firmware files and web pages to my EvolutionOS-based product (such as Intellibox/IBIO2100E, XPressIO, XPort-AR, EDS, etc)?

Note: If you are upgrading from v3.x or earlier to v4.x or later click here for the correct procedure.

Here is the method for using Windows command line ftp to upload firmware and web pages into an Evolution product.

1. Open a command Prompt.  E.g. choose Run from the Start menu, type cmd and press Enter.
2. Change to the directory that contains the firmware files for your Evolution product
3. Type ftp –i xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the Evolution product.
4. When prompted for user, type admin
5. When prompted for password, type  PASS
6. At the ftp> prompt type bin

        You will receive a "200 command okay"

7. At the ftp> prompt type  put devicename.romz            (substitute devicename.romz with the firmware filename of the device)

**Special Note: older firmware file extensions include .rom.gz

You will receive:

  200 command okay

Followed after a few minutes by:

  150 System file ready for download

Followed after a few minutes by:

   226 Reprogramming firmware. Do not power off! Will reboot automatically.

and finally:

  Connection closed by remote host

8. Type the command below to exit from ftp:

ftp> bye

   ** Wait few minutes for the unit to uncompress and install the new firmware and reboot.  If the device server is running 4.x or higher this completes the installation.

** The steps below are for v3.x firmware and below only!:
9. At the command prompt change directories to www (webpage files of the firmware

10. Repeat steps 3-5 to open a new ftp session

11. At the ftp> prompt type:

ftp> mkdir http
ftp> cd http
ftp> mkdir config
ftp> cd config
ftp> mput *

This step will take a few minutes while it reloads all the web manager files.

12. Type the command below to exit from ftp:

ftp> bye

This will complete the upgrade of firmware and the web manager.

[Originally Published On: 07/02/2007 05:39 PM]