Latest Firmware for the EDS 3000 PR series

Latest Firmware for the EDS 3000 PR series

What is the latest version of firmware for the EDS 3000 PR?

The current released version of firmware for the EDS 3000 PR series is:

If you are looking for firmware for the EDS 3000 PS, go to this page !

URGENT NOTE: The EDS 3000 series, (EDS 3008PR, EDS3016PR, or EDS3032PR) is not the same product as the EDS8PR, EDS16PS or EDS32PR,) do not load this firmware on those older products or vice versus as it will result in the unit becoming non-functional.


Please Click on one of the links below to download EDS 3000 PR via FTP or HTTP:


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EDS 3000 PR Firmware

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EDS 3000 PR Release Notes

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EDS 3000 PR Checksum

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