Resetting an EDS4100 to Factory Defaults
Resetting an EDS4100 to Factory Defaults
How can I set an EDS4100 to factory defaults?
If your EDS4100 has an unknown IP address or password, and if DeviceInstaller can't find it on the network, you'll need to log into it's CLI (Command Line Interface) on one of it's serial ports and set it back to factory defaults from there.
- Connect the 500-164 Null Modem cable that was in the box with the EDS4100 to the Com port on a PC and to one of the EDS4100's serial ports.
- Run HyperTerminal or another terminal emulator (e.g. Teraterm Pro or PuTTY) on the PC and configure a connection to the Com port for 9600 baud, 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control
- Follow the procedure below to open a CLI connection to the EDS4100.
1. Power off the device.
2. Press and hold down the exclamation point (! [shift 1]) key.
3. Power on the device.
4. When an exclamation point appears on the terminal or PC screen, type xyz within 5 seconds to display the CLI prompt.
Note: Accessing the device in this way delays some initialization until this session is closed (via exit). The CLI prompt is >> rather than > during this phase as a reminder that the device is not fully initialized.
- Type 'enable' to go to the enable level of the CLI.
- Type 'reload factory defaults' to set the EDS to factory defaults. Hit enter. For more information see the EDS User Guide and EDS Command Reference, both available here:
[Originally Published On: 10/27/2010 12:10 PM]