Spider, reset the unit to factory settings

Spider, reset the unit to factory settings

Question: How can I set a Spider back to factory defaults?


To reset the Spider unit back to factory settings:

You will need to connect up Serial to Console port cable, like a Cisco console cable to a Serial port on a PC or USB to serial adapter.

Then you will need to  Connect a terminal or terminal emulator (e.g. HyperTerminal on a Windows PC)  the serial interface.

Set the serial parameters of the terminal to

115200 baud (Also try 9600)*

8 data bits

No parity

1 stop bit

no flow control.

*Note: Older units required 115200, newer units should function at 9600 as well.

1.Once connected hit enter for the menu.   Type reset and you will be asked to validate (yes or no) once you have input yes.

2. Hold down the ESC key on your keyboard immediately, after 15 seconds the screen should populate with a “=> “ prompt.

If you don’t see that prompt you will have to go thru reset from the main menu again.

3. At the prompt type in defaults and the Spider will go thru a 3 minutes reload and will come back to the main menu.

4. At this menu you can type config and give the unit it's IP address.  

Note:  you will be prompted when you log in via the web manager to make a new password change.


[Originally Published On: 05/14/2009 11:49 AM]