Lantronix Tech Support
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Copy files with SCP
Calibration of analog inputs on the tracking devices FOX3 or BOLERO40 series
FOX3 or BOLERO40 sends SMS to the smartphone with a "google maps" link.
CANbus option on the FOX3 series
Flashing a new firmware version on the tracking devices FOX3 and BOLERO40 series via a terminal SW
Connect the router E2xx series to D2Sphere
Connecting the Ignition (IGN) line on the FOX3 or BOLERO40 series to the vehicle IGN
Premium-Features on the FOX3 and BOLERO40 series
Activation a Premium-Feature on a FOX3 or BOLERO40
Using the internal motion sensor (gyro sensor) in the FOX3 and BOLERO40 series for Trip-Start/-Stop detection.
Loging into E210 and E220 routers
Finding information about Lantronix products
Accessing Monitor Mode using telnet - (Cobox, UDS-10, UDS100_200, UDS1100_2100, XPort, WiPort, WiBox, xPico)
Latest Firmware for the XPress DR (New version XSDRSN-03)
SLC8000 - configuring and testing IP Filter Rulesets
Technical Support for the xPrintServer
Spider, reset the unit to factory settings
Creating Open SSH RSA or DSA Keys
Using Multicast with xPrintServer and UBox USB Device Servers
Update the tracker device (FOX3 or BOLERO40) over the air (Remote Update) via the workbench
WLAN dongle for the FOX3 series
FOX3-3G-BLE with built-in Bluetooth Low Energy
Creating custom web pages in CoBos and Evolution
Serial Tunnel using Modem Emulation between two CoBos device servers
Firmware for the xDirect
Latest Firmware for the UDS1100
Latest Firmware for the SGX5150
Ripple20 vulnerability
Default Username and default Password not working for devices
Are any of the Lantronix products affected by AMNESIA:33 vulnerability?
Serial Tunnel configuration between EDS - EDS
Serial Tunnel configuration between UDS - UDS
Latest Firmware for the EDS 3000 PR series
Latest Firmware for the EDS 3000 PS series
Latest Firmware for Edge Management Gateway (EMG) 7500
Latest Firmware for the XPress DR-IAP (New version XSDRIN-03)
Upgrading xPrintServer Cloud firmware
Latest SDK for Evolution based XPort Pro and Matchport AR devices
Latest SDK for uCLinux based XPort Pro, Matchport AR, EDS1100, EDS2100 and EDS2100-2 devices
Latest SDK for Midas based XPort Edge, xPico 240, xPico 250 and xPico 270, and xPico WiFi devices
Latest SDK for Yocto based Linux Gateway devices PremierWave 2050 and SGX 5150
UDS1100, Xport, xDirect web pages shows "Undefined"
APACHE LOG4J Vulnerability
Latest firmware for the LIB-4424 Series
Latest firmware for the SISGM 1040-284-LRT
Latest firmware for the SISPM 1040-362-LRT
Latest firmware for the SISPM1040-582-LRT.
Latest firmware for the SISPM 1040-384-LRT-C
Latest firmware for the SISPM1040-3166-L
Latest firmware for the SISPM1040-3248-L
Latest firmware for the SISTM1040-262D-LRT-B
Latest firmware for the SM4T4DPA
Latest firmware for the SM8TAT2SA-DC
Latest firmware for the SM12DP2XA
Latest firmware for the SM16TAT2SA
Latest firmware for the SM24DP4XA
Latest firmware for the SM24DPB
Latest firmware for the SM24T6DPA
Latest firmware for the SM24TAT2SA
Latest firmware for the SM24TAT4XB