Using Pack Control For UDS, SDS, xDirect, xPico, XPort & WiPort Products

What is Pack Control, how does it work and how do I configure it?

Pack Control is a feature that allows you to transmit your serial data to a host on the network by using a specified Packing Interval function, or transmit your serial data to a host on the network by using a one or two byte sequence (send characters).


1. Packing Interval:

There are four Packing Interval settings you can select.

They are 12ms, 52ms, 250ms and 5 seconds. The function works by buffering the serial data until no data is received from the serial device for the specified Packing Interval configured. When the specified Packing Interval is reached there is a forced transmit of the buffered serial data to a host on the network. The process then repeats. This process is the same way for all four settings.

2. Send Characters:

Send Characters can be configured to be recognized as a one or two byte sequence and need to be unique in the data stream.

The function works by buffering the serial data unitl the configured one or two byte sequence is recognized. Then the serial data is sent to the network host and the process is repeated. If your application needs the use of a CRC or Checksum you can configure the send character function to pass an additional one or two trailing characters. This additional trailing character settings will allow the data to be sent at the time the send characters are recognized but will include sending one or two trailing characters depending on the setting selected.

To configure Pack Control using the Web Manager and select the appropriate drop down selection as illustrated below. 

Function Choices
Packing Algorithm Enable, Disable
Idle Time Force Transmit 12 ms, Force Transmit 52 ms, Force Transmit 250 ms, Force Transmit 5000 ms
Trailing Characters None, One, Two
Send Immediate After Sendchars Enable, Disable

Sendchar Define2-Byte Sequence

Enable, Disable
Send Character 01 User selectable
Send Character 02 User selectable


[Originally Published On: 11/08/2004 01:34 PM]