Latest firmware for the Micro100

Latest firmware for the Micro100

What is the latest firmware for the Micro 100?

The current released version of firmware for the Micro100 is v6.5.0.9

Important Notice: The installation procedure for v6.x from v5.x has changed. Please click here to read the v6.x installation instructions. Downgrade instructions are below.

To download the latest version of Firmware, WebManager and release notes select the link below

FileDownload via FTPDownload via HTTPComment
Installation InstructionsMicro100 Upgrade InstructionsMicro100 Upgrade InstructionsRight-click and choose "Save Target As..."
Upgrade Loader

(see installation instructions)
Firmware Release notesv6.5.0.9v6.5.0.9Right-click and choose "Save Target As..."
WebManagerv1.6.0.2v1.6.0.2Right-click and choose "Save Target As..."
WebManager Release notesv1.6.0.2v1.6.0.2Right-click and choose "Save Target As..."

If you need to "downgrade" a Micro100 from 6.x to 5.x firmware please read the "Micro100_readme.txt" file for instructions on using the "m100dng.rom" file. Both files are available for download below:

Downgrade ProcedureMicro100_readme.txtMicro100_readme.txtRight-click and choose "Save Target As..."
Downgrade ROM filem100dng.romm100dng.rom

[Originally Published On: 12/15/2003 01:15 PM]

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