Latest Firmware for the WiPort b-g

Latest Firmware for the WiPort b-g

What is the latest firmware for the WiPortG?

The current released version of firmware for the WiPort-G is v6.8.0.9
The current released version of the web manager for the WiPort-G is v1.9.0.3

To download the latest version of Firmware, WebManager and release notes select the link below:

FileDownload via HTTP  Comment 
Firmware Release notesHTTPSRight-click and choose "Save Target As..." 
Web Manager Release notesHTTPSRight-click and choose "Save Target As..." 
SetZone v1.11HTTPSSee the WiPort User Guide for information on the SetZone utility

[Originally Published On: 03/22/2006 03:40 PM]

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