What is pLTE? (Private LTE)

What is pLTE? (Private LTE)

Private LTE provides the ability to run your own LTE core network. There are 3 basic variants of this solution: 

– Private LTE Core with Public mobile networks – This solution allows you to use Public LTE networks, but all data traffic is routed back through the mobile IPX network to your own packet gateway (P-GW). This setup allows for advanced security, with the P-GW residing in your own cloud or datacentre environment. 

Private LTE Core with Private radio network – This deployed is a standalone variant of the Private LTE infrastructure. This is available in certain countries where there is the availability of public LTE spectrum. The Private LTE core is deployed on-premise or in a cloud environment. All traffic on the private radio network is routed back to this Private LTE core.  This solution is suitable for remote locations or campus environments where the mobile LTE devices do not leave the geographical footprint of the radio network. 

– Private LTE Core with Public and Private networks – This deployment combines the benefit of Private radio networks with Public mobile operator networks, allowing for seamless connectivity as devices move in and out of the Private radio network area. 


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