How can I set a Spider or Spider Duo to factory defaults?
- Use the serial interface with a terminal emulator program set to
- 9600 or 115200
- 8 bit characters
- No parity
- 1 Stop bit
- No flow control
- Set your terminal emulator to 9600
- Use a paperclip or something similar to push the reset switch thru the pinhole on the bottom of the Spider:
- Press down and hold the esc-key then release the reset switch
- The Spider should show a => prompt
- Type the command 'defaults' at the => prompt
- If you have an older Spider and can't get the => prompt after several tries at 9600, change the serial speed of your emulator to 115200 and try again
- Earlier firmware sets the console port to 115200 by default.
For more details, see answer 1584:
Also, see the Spider/Spider Duo Quick Start Guide and User Guide, available here:
[Originally Published On: 11/07/2011 04:00 PM]