Sending a Break Through a Telnet Socket Connection in Windows #2

I need to be able to send a break out of the serial port of a Lantronix device server or console server from a telnet session on a Windows 95/98/NT or higher PC. How can I do this?

First configure the Lantronix server to accept a telnet session to the port you want to send a break out of. See the User or Install Guide for your Lantronix server for information on enabling a port for telnet. User and Install Guides are available here:

To send a break from a telnet-enabled port on a Lantronix server:

  • Open a command window on your Windows PC, e.g. open Start:Run, type 'cmd' and click OK
  • Type 'telnet <<ip_address>> <<port>> using the IP address and port for your Lantronix server's serial port
  • Once connected to the port, type ^] (Ctrl+right square bracket). This will display the "Microsoft Telnet>" prompt
  • Type 'send brk'. Be careful not to type 'send break' as that will just send the string 'break' out of the Lantronix servers serial port
  • The "Microsoft Telnet>" prompt will re-display. Hit Enter without typing anything to go back to the telnet session

Here is an example session:

C:\>telnet 10001
<------------------------------------Type ^]
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client

Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'

Microsoft Telnet> send brk
Sent break
Microsoft Telnet> <------------------Hit Enter

[Originally Published On: 04/07/2009 05:27 PM]