Error 401 Unauthorized When Using A Safari Browser To Access the Configuration Web Manager in My CoBos Device.
Why do I get "401 Unauthorized" when I use a Safari Browser to open the configuration Web Manager for my CoBos device and how can I resolve this?
CoBos in general never requires a User Name or Password by default to allow access to the configuration Web Manager.
However, a Safari web browser will always require a user name regardless of the way CoBos is configured.
If no password is configured you still need to enter a user name when using Safari. One character is all that is required to allow access to the Web Manager.
All other browses will allow access to the CoBos Web Manager without a username or password by default.
If a password is manually configured in the CoBos product line then any browser will require entering the password to access the configuration Web Manager.
[Originally Published On: 06/20/2014 02:40 PM]