Firmware upgrade for a MatchPort BG, MatchPort NR, WiPort, WiBox and xPress DR-03 fails with unit set for high CPU speed

Why does a MatchPort BG, MatchPort NR, WiPort, WiBox and xPress DR-03 firmware upgrade fail?

Firmware updates on MatchPort BG, MatchPort NR, WiPort, WiBox and xPress DR-03 need to be done with the unit CPU speed configuration set to Normal or Low speed modes. Firmware updates attempted with the unit configured for High CPU speed mode may not complete properly. Once the firmware update is complete the unit can be set back to High CPU speed mode.

Please note that bridge mode automatically sets the unit to High CPU speed mode. Bridge mode users should disable bridge mode and configure the unit for Normal CPU speed mode to perform the firmware update and then reconfigure for Bridge mode after completion of the firmware update.

This issue has been noted in all current firmware revisions. Future release firmware version of and later will allow firmware updates from High CPU speed mode. Installation of will require the procedures mentioned above.

[Originally Published On: 03/09/2017 06:25 AM]