For an incoming SSH connection to the SLC, I want to import SSH keys so that my users can access the host without entering a password. How can I do that?

This article will explain how to import SSH keys to the SLC for an inbound SSH connection. You'll need an SSH client program like Putty, a RSA/DSA SSH key generator utility program like Puttygen and an FTP server or the ability to use SCP (secure copy).

Alternatively, if you have access to a Linux machine, you can create public/private keys and import those keys to the SLC. For more information on how to do that, please see Creating Open SSH RSA or DSA Keys.

Generating Public/Private Keys using Puttygen (A Windows based SSH key generator utility):

The first step is to use Puttygen to generate both public and private keys.

Configuring the SLC to import SSH keys:

Under Host & Login for Import, configure the following parameters:

Configuring Putty to login with an SSH key.

[Originally Published On: 09/25/2006 09:20 AM]